Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday the 5th of October

Mom's white blood count was low, but they went ahead with today's treatment and it went great (mom gets braver every week). This may mean that mom will need other injectible treatments to help her white blood count stay high enough for the chemotherapy to continue as planned. Dr White is pursuing approval of these injectible drugs so that they will be available to mom next Friday if her count remains low. Unfortunately the supplemental drugs to help moms blood count will not be in time for next weeks treatment. Mom will go to Geisinger next Friday to get her blood counts tested again and her white blood count is high enough they will administer a third treatment. If mom's blood count drops she will not be able to get chemo next Friday. Please pray that mom's white blood count will be high enough for a third treatment without having to take a week off.
Dr. White is also concerned about mom's weight. She has lost about 10% of her body weight since August. While mom continues to maintain a strict, cancer fighting diet (one that is very lean as well) she also needs to up her caloric intake. Please pray for mom in this area as well.

A Prayer Blog For Mom


Jenn said...

I'm praying for you Aunt Lynne! You can do this!

Anonymous said...

way to go girl, you can do this!!
so glad you got a chance to get out
this week, you needed it. keep on fighting! we continue to pray for your treatments, and your body, and healing!! we love you all!"To Him who is able to do
exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,according to the power that works in us!" We serve an awesome GOD! NO ONE IS HOPELESS WHOSE HOPE IS IN GOD!!

Anonymous said...

Mom great job today. Proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi honey

You are the greatest. Keep up the fight. I will be there for you. Love you and am praying for you without ceasing.



Anonymous said...

We have a miracle working God and I am praying for a miracle for you..... Our God is an awsome God, who reigns from heavon above with wisdom and power, our God is an awsome God be the glory.
Love, Mom Ott

Anonymous said...

Dear Lynne,
How great to talk to you last night and hear the fight in your voice--the determination to do the best thing to rid your body of this terrible disease. I pray for wisdom for you and your doctors and your nutritionist to know what the best thing is. Praying too that your blood count goes up and your weight increases to the point that the doctors will be so amazed on Friday.
Thanks for mentioning the link to Jessica's blogspot on Friday's posting. I would encourage all reading this now to go to that link. If we are all praying in the manner of the heroes of our faith as Jessica suggests, can you imagine how the heart of God will be moved to heal you? I can only imagine. Nance

Anonymous said...

Not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord

Just lay back and rest in Him and He will give you peace

Jesus loves you and so do I


Sheryll Beideman said...

Dear Lynne,
Prayer was a major part of Christ's life and an example to us. How blessed we all are to have the opportunity to pray for you. We know how much God loves and cares for you. He holds your hand each day during this journey.
Sheryll Beideman

Linda & Dennis (the Az. Otts) said...

I had to smile as I read your parents comment about "You don't give up, and you always try to win." God could not have brought a more perfect woman into my bother's life. That spirit of competitiveness, whether it was on the tennis court or playing ping pong, or whatever it was, that spirit of competition was always there and you could not have been a better fit for our family. I pray that winning spirit remains strong in you as your treatment continues.

Ps. I'm not sure who was determined the all time champs at ping pong between Lynn and Sandy and Randy and I, but I tend to think the guys took it easy on the gals. LOL. I think we need a rematch to determine the champs once and for all and no holding back this time.

Lynn, Randy, boys I want you to know that Linda and I hold you all up to our Heavenly Father and in spite of everthing , we will continue to rejoice and sing praises to God and lift you up every waking hour.

Love you guys to the max,

Dennis and Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs.Ott.I hope you feel better soon.Keep fighting. Love,alyssa I miss you