Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday the 29th of October

What a busy weekend we all had. First it was an exciting day following chemotherapy: Taylor, Caleb and myself all crashed at Mom's Saturday morning. Her energy left the three of us (who were exhausted) feeling a bit jealous. Mom's energy carried her through Saturday and a busy Sunday at my house with a crew from GEFC and our family. Of course mom is always entertained when Matt starts smirking. This is because when Matt starts smirking, trouble is in the air and the Otts love trouble (despite what our very down to earth, mild mannered reputation might suggest). Luke panicked when Matt convinced him to be in charge of the hayride from the trailer and then added..."and Luke start yelling if we are going to hit (the ground), because someone or everyone will probably get thrown off (the trailer)." It wasn't long after that Luke started yelling like it was the end of the world (Luke gets frightened easily). Matt just laughed and laughed and egged Luke on some more. Good Times! Tonight, Mom/Granny had a little elephant show up at her door looking for some tricks or some treats. What a fun night. With all of this fun please pray that mom will be able to catch up on some rest and please pray for her body and the chemo as they fight the cancer. Thanks for all of the love you have poured on us these past few months...keep it coming (especially in the form of your wonderful comments.)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday the 26th of October

Mom received her chemotherapy treatment this week. Her white blood count has continued to rise, her platelet count has stayed around 115 (100 is the cutoff for treatment, so continue to keep this in prayer), and her weight dropped only a few ounces (from 99.9 to 99.6). Treatment number 5 is completed, 2 more to go before testing. Please continue to lift mom up in prayer and support. Thank you all for your encouraging words...keep them coming.

Friday the 26th of October

Today mom travels to Geisinger for her 5th Chemotherapy treatment. Her blood will be tested at about 12:45 and chemo will most likely start around 1:30. Please pray for mom's blood count and weight. Also pray that mom would be able to get the treatment and that the treatment would work. Thanks so much for your continued support.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesday the 24th of October

Thank you all for your unending support and prayer. Please continue to pray for mom's blood counts, weight and dietary needs. Also pray that she is able to rest enough to provide her body with the much needed energy to fight this disease. We are two days away from treatment number 5.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday the 19th of October

Mom's white blood count and platelet count are back up! So the 4th gemsar treatment will begin any minute. Mom was also elated to find out that she will only need 4 shots (previously 5)to maintain her white blood cell count. Dr. White laid out the treatment plan for mom today as well. She will continue with chemotherapy every week for 7 weeks (this was week 4) and then mom will go onto a 3 week on 1 week off cycle. Dr. White is going to get a catscan and run some tests after week 7 to see how the treatment has been working. Mom was very encouraged by the visit she had to Geisinger this week. Keep praying that the chemo would destroy the cancer and that mom's blood counts will be stable enough to allow her to finish the last 3 chemotherapy sessions in this phase of the treatment.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday the 18th of October

Tomorrow mom goes to Geisinger for her fourth chemotherapy appointment. She is scheduled to have blood drawn and tested at 12:45. If her white blood count and platelets are high enough chemotherapy will begin at approximately 1:15. Please pray that mom will be able to receive the treatment and that it will work! Thank you all, so much, for your love and support, please continue to pray for our mom and continue to encourage her as well.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday the 15th of October

Mom's next appointment is Friday at 12:45 for blood work and if all goes well the chemotherapy will start at 1:30. Please pray for mom's white blood count and platelet count. Mom has had two days of injectable treatments to help boost mom's white blood cell count. We are extremely thankful for Anne (mom's neighbor) who is a nurse and has been administering the shots. Mom also made it to church Sunday and hung out in the sound room with Caleb during the service. Please continue to pray that mom would keep gaining weight, that she would be able to receive chemotherapy on Friday and that the chemotherapy would attack the cancer. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday the 12th of October

Mom's in chemotherpay! Her blood count was borderline but she is receiving her treatment as I type and she has also gained 3 pounds since her last visit. Sunday she starts 5 injectable treatments (one a day) to boost her white cell blood count. Her plateletts dropped a little bit this week so please continue to pray that these will not continue to drop so that mom can continue treatment as scheduled. Thank you all for your prayers. Please continue to lift mom up.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Friday the 12th of October

Chemotherapy is scheduled for today, mom will travel to Geisinger, get her blood tested and meet with Dr. White. If all goes well mom will be able to receive her third treatment of chemotherapy. If mom's white blood count is too then she will not be able to receive today's treatment. Please pray for the trip and mom's blood count.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday the 10th of October

Mom accomplished her first fearless visit to Geisinger today and had a very nice visit with Dr. Sheldon who has been a continual blessing to us through this whole process. Mom would like to thank all of you for your prayers. Please continue to pray that mom's white blood count would enable her to receive chemotherapy on Friday. Mom has also gained two pounds in two days, which was extremely encouraging news to her.

Wednesday the 10th of October

Today mom has an appointment with Dr. Sheldon at Geisinger Medical. Mom also met with a dietitian this week who expanded her diet to help her get more of the calories she needs to maintain her weight. Please continue to pray for her white blood count to recover, for her weight to be up and for the chemotherapy and diet to attack the cancer in moms body. Continue to pray for God to do the miraculous!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sunday the 7th of October

After a stressful weekend of contemplating dietary need, white blood counts and other exciting cancer related topics, Mom bounced back with a visit to church today (despite her fears of getting sick). She had to pop into the Kid's Connection room and say "Hi" to some of her favorite people, the kids of GEFC. It was a joy to see mom ducking the service in the sound room with her youngest son.

Please remember not to visit if you suspect that you have or may have been exposed to a cold, the flu or a virus. Also children with immunizations should not be around mom either while her blood count is low.

Please continue to pray for her weight, white blood count and cancer treatments. Your support has meant everything for us.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday the 5th of October

Mom's white blood count was low, but they went ahead with today's treatment and it went great (mom gets braver every week). This may mean that mom will need other injectible treatments to help her white blood count stay high enough for the chemotherapy to continue as planned. Dr White is pursuing approval of these injectible drugs so that they will be available to mom next Friday if her count remains low. Unfortunately the supplemental drugs to help moms blood count will not be in time for next weeks treatment. Mom will go to Geisinger next Friday to get her blood counts tested again and her white blood count is high enough they will administer a third treatment. If mom's blood count drops she will not be able to get chemo next Friday. Please pray that mom's white blood count will be high enough for a third treatment without having to take a week off.
Dr. White is also concerned about mom's weight. She has lost about 10% of her body weight since August. While mom continues to maintain a strict, cancer fighting diet (one that is very lean as well) she also needs to up her caloric intake. Please pray for mom in this area as well.

A Prayer Blog For Mom

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday the 4th of October

Tomorrow (Friday the 5th) mom goes for her second chemotherapy treatment. Her blood work is scheduled for 12:45 with the chemotherapy following at 1:30. Please remember to pray for mom specifically during this time. Please pray that mom's second treatment goes great, that her blood counts are appropriate for the treatment to occur and that the chemotherapy would attack the cancer.

Mom had a great time at the Phillies game and getting to see everyone from down there. Thank you for your continued prayer, for the support and for the encouraging comments. Keep them coming.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday the 2nd of October

"For my God shall supply all your needs..." Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, financial help and love. I can't express how much you all mean to me. You are all a precious gift from God. Please keep praying and writing, it gives me much strength to face each new challenge. I appreciate your prayers for strength, courage and healing. It's hard to express but please know my love. My heart has been touched.
Psalm 118.
PS. Tomorrow I am going to the Phillies playoff game with Randy, Dee and Sandy. Go Phils.

Tuesday the 2nd of October

Today upon pulling into my mother's driveway, I was greeted by the UPS delivery man. The gentlemen asked, "Are you Ott?" I said yes and he handed me a small package and left. The contents of this package was the drug we need to help the chemo fight the cancer, Tarseva. It was a little ironic to be given life preserving meds so casually. We are very thankful to finally have the medication after a few days of difficuty. Our insurance company has been a wonderful help in getting the medication approved.
We have the drug! Please pray that it would be effective and powerful and that it would clear the cancer from mom's body. Please continue to pray, encourage and comment. Mom's spirit has certainly been lifted by all of your many kind words and prayers.