Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday the 24th of September

Today we met with Dr. White our Chemotherapy doctor. He was very nice and has a gentle and loving spirit about him. He has set mom on a treatment plan which includes Gemsar (the chemo) once a week for two 3 month cycles with Tarseva which is a fairly new drug taken once a day orally. Tarseva has been shown to help Gemsar attack pancreatic cancer. Because this is a fairly new drug the Dr.'s office has a health insurance specialist working on getting mom this drug. We should hear from this specialist Tuesday and he will let us know how to procede in aquiring the drug. Please pray that there will not be any snags in getting the Tarseva in a timely manner. We were under the assumption that the actualy Gemsar treatment would begin today. That assumption was wrong. It is scheduled for next monday and the treatment will repeat every monday for the next 3 months as long as mom's blood count allows. Both Dr. White, Dr. Sheldon and our nurses assure us that waiting a few more days to begin this treatment will not have any affect on the outcome. We are so thankful for Dr. Sheldon who has given us his cell phone, taken calls from Matt and has answered our many questions. We have another appointment with him the 10th of October and he has suggested we request a CT-Scan about half way into treatments (about 6 weeks). Please continue to pray that the cancer would respond to this treatment and keep the encouragemment comming!


Sandy said...

Always know that your fight is our fight, You are not alone. There are many many friends and neighbors praying for you to win this fight.

Anonymous said...

Lynne, I am praying for your miracle as I praise God for what He will do. Mom Ott