Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday the 14th of February

Mom had her appointment with our doctor at Thomas Jefferson today. In spite of some bad news the appointment was a positive one. The unfortunate news is that they suspect there is a new tumor on the bone of mom's right shoulder. They are going to take another, more specific MRI, next Wed. to confirm and to decide what the appropriate course of action will be in dealing with this specific challenge. The most likely course of action will be the addition of a new medication that would specifically attack the cancer on the bone. The doctor told mom that she thought she looked better. The 2nd cancer treatment is scheduled for next Thursday and our hope and prayer is that as we get into the new treatment a few weeks that we will start to send the cancer into remission. The fighting spirit her boys inherited and, unfortunately, often misused is needed now more than ever. Please pray for and encourage this fighting spirit in mom. Thank you for your continued love and support.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne!
I so appreciated Josh updating the results of today's appointment. I know you must be extremely disappointed, but at the same time I'm glad they were able to determine what's causing the numbness and begin to treat it. Just want you to know that we're continuing to lift you up in prayer and look forward to seeing you soon! Phil's Mom asked us to share a great quote with you from Chuck Swindoll - "Don't deny the diagnosis, but defy the verdict! Hope in God!" Keep holding His hand Lynne - He won't let go! Love you, Margy

Mickey said...

Dear Lynne,

When sickness comes we must remember the fact that God loves us and hold on to the the promise of his presence and remember the past blessings he has bestowed upon us and trust Him for all he is going to do now and in the future.

Hang in there girl and watch the miracle of prayers work.

Your forever in my prayers and thoughts.

Love you


Anonymous said...

Chuck Swindoll is sooooo right-- I promise to no longer focus on the diagnosis--But from now on we will join in with you to DEFY THE VERDICT---in our prayers,hearts and spirit-because after all we know -- OUR GOD HOLDS TOMORROW--Lynne, I WISH we could take the pain away--just know you are LOVED by everyone. Sincerely,nangib

Anonymous said...

Let's all get the fighting
spirit going...
everyone is with you all the way,
my dear friend, Lynne.
Please rest when you need to and
eat well.
Love and prayers,
your friend,

Anonymous said...

Valentine's Day takes on a whole new meaning to many people when you are going through all of this. A day about love should instead be a day about Lynne and all the family supporting you. You are being thought about today and every day and I just want to add another "I care" to your blog. I wish I could do so much more. Take care and you are in our prayers. Judy Burcik

Anonymous said...

For our dear friends and family that so graciously and lovingly have kept and are continuing to keep Lynne in yours prayers, our family is so thankful. We have seen God perform so many little miracles. We keep looking for the BIG one but He has been working in His own way, because His ways are higher than ours. This has been a huge faith test for us. Praise God that He is the Faithful One. I recently heard a sermon from I Chronicles 20. Read it and see what God did for His people. Has he stopped doing mighty things for us today. Yes, and even more!! The battle is His and we need to trust Him . Wait and see what the Lord can do !! Pray that Lynne will have the courage and strength to endure this season of suffering. She is truely one who loves the Lord with all her heart , soul and mind. Right now she just needs us to hold up her arms to see God at work in all of this. And Lynne, hold fast to the hope we have in Christ. Love you lots and will see you soon. Love, Sandy for all the Baldwins, Adcock's, and MacIntyres. and church family , Bible srudy girls on Monday and WEdnesdays, and my dearest friends who pray together every Friday for you faithfully.

Reverend Doug said...

'He will never leave us, nor forsake us" - Is there a better promise than this? He is walking beside you, Lynne, every step of the way.
Thank God for His constant presence!
The Rogers send their love & prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oops! I had a type=o on my comment. Please read 2Chronicles 20 and glean what the Lord can do. Sorry for the mistake. Sandy (Lynne's sister with too much on her mind!! Love you all for your prayers for our family.

Charlie said...

Lynne; Were still praying. Try not to become discouraged. The Lord is still in control and will bring you through this. I can understand it must be hard at times but the Lord promises He will never put us through anything we can't handle. Keep your chin up and stay focused on our great God. In Christ;Charlie

Anonymous said...

Dear Lynne,
Sometimes it seems like I say the same things over and over again--Keep on fighting...Lean on Jesus...Don't give up...We're praying daily for you. Even though I can get repetitive, praise God He has given us a Living Word that is fresh every time we read it. I hope you feel well enough to be in His Word. If not, try to remember some of those verses you learned as a child. "If God is for us, who can be against us?" "What can separate us from the love of God?NOTHING!!" We'll be praying for your MRI tomorrow and the chemo Thursday. Love, Nance